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Calculation of Q-value and half-life of alpha-decay chains of superheavy elements using double folding method

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : International Journal of Modern Physics E

Source : International Journal of Modern Physics E, 28, 06, 1950045, 2019

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering, School of Physical Sciences

Department : Sciences

Year : 2019

Abstract : Q -value and half-life of elements in alpha decay chain of 294 117, 293 117, 291 116 and 290 116 were calculated using the Nuclear potential generated by double folding procedure and using the WKB method treating the alpha decay as a tunneling problem. The nuclear potential was parameterized using Woods–Saxon potential. Using this approach, the Q -value and half-life of next heaviest element in the alpha decay chain of element 290 116 is predicted. It is proposed to use this to predict the Q -value and half-life of other higher elements in different alpha decay chains.

Cite this Research Publication : Nandana B. and Rahul R. and Mahadevan S, Calculation of Q-value and half-life of alpha-decay chains of superheavy elements using double folding method,International Journal of Modern Physics E, 28, 06, 1950045, 2019

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