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Calculation of Q-value and half-life of alpha decay in super heavy elements using S-matrix theory

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : International Journal of Modern Physics E

Source : International Journal of Modern Physics E, 29, 07,2050043, 2020

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering, School of Physical Sciences

Department : Sciences

Year : 2020

Abstract : The half-life and the Q -value of alpha decay in several super heavy elements are calculated. The nuclear potential is computed using the double-folding method. Using the S-matrix theory, the alpha decay is treated as a scattering problem between alpha particle and the daughter nucleus. Nuclear potential was approximated by the parameterized Woods–Saxon potential. This idea has also been extended to predict the half-life and the Q-value of the heaviest elements of few other alpha chains.

Cite this Research Publication : Rahul, R. and Nandana B. and Mahadevan S, Calculation of Q-value and half-life of alpha decay in super heavy elements using S-matrix theory, International Journal of Modern Physics E, 29, 07,2050043, 2020

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