Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Information Science Letters
Source : Information Science Letters, 10 (2) (2021), 263--266
Url :
Keywords : Differential-algebraic systems, Reduction algorithms, Elementary row-column operations
School : School of Physical Sciences
Department : Chemistry
Year : 2021
Abstract : This paper discusses the implementation of a reduction algorithm for differential-algebraic systems in Maple. Using the proposed Maple package, the given system of differential-algebraic equations can be transformed into another simpler system having the same properties. Sample computations are presented to illustrate the proposed algorithm. This algorithm will be helpful to implement this in commercial software packages such as Mathematica, Matlab, Singular, SCIlab etc.
Cite this Research Publication : S. Thota: Implementation of a Reducing Algorithm for Differential-Algebraic Systems in Maple, Information Science Letters, 10 (2) (2021), 263--266. doi: 10.18576/isl/100210.