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A Novel Randomized Cryptographic Technique

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Advances in Natural and Applied Science, ISSN:1995-0772 EISSN:1998-1090 Page No: 187-193

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Campus : Chennai

School : School of Computing

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Year : 2016

Abstract : Information Security is one of the important concerns in today's world. All personal and confidential information when sent to a specific recipient is generally sent via internet. But unfortunately anyone can sniff the data communication between two parties and the confidentiality of the data is lost leading to huge losses. Many Cryptographic techniques are available these days which encrypts the data to increase the confidentiality of the data. But in the mean time many hackers are performing various Cryptanalysis techniques using which they are able to retrieve the data. So there is a need for transmitting the data without letting the hacker know that some data is being transmitted. This is where Steganography comes into the picture in which the secret data in embedded inside the carrier message. However in the recent past, many Steganalysis techniques has come which helps to retrieve the secret image from the carrier. Hence there is a need for an more secure method for sending information. Here in our method, we have proposed a novel method which increases the information security. For implementation purpose, we have taken an audio data embedded inside a video carrier. The idea is to encrypt the information first using some recent advanced encryption techniques and then XORing the resulting data with a Pseudo-Random sequence and then finally performing the encryption. As you can see, three level of security is added to the data. First the encryption, second the XOR operation and finally the Steganography. Thus this method provides a high security while sending the information. And the hackers will not be able to perform Cryptanalysis as the cipher text is sent after the XOR operation and without the same Pseudo-Random Sequence, none of the data can be retrieved. KEYWORDS: Information Security, Cryptography, Encryption, Steganography

Cite this Research Publication : S.Veluchamy, S.Eben Gnana, Pradeep, "A Novel Randomized Cryptographic Technique", Advances in Natural and Applied Science, ISSN:1995-0772 EISSN:1998-1090 Page No: 187-193

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