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Proposing a TAM for Life Long Learning

Publication Type : Book

Source : In Research Perspectives in Human Capital Development. (pp.1-8)

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Business

Year : 2019

Abstract : Abstract Being employable is an inevitable need for the employee than the employer. Constant upgradation of skills and knowledge is mandatory to keep ourselves afloat in the ever competitive job market. More and more adults are faced with the inevitability of continuously updating their skills to remain relevant in the workforce. In such a scenario, lifelong learning becomes a skill that has to be developed in every productive member of the workforce. Online learning platforms are unanimously the most convenient and effective way to update knowledge for the busy professional of today. Online learning gives the flexibility of any time, any place learning that is driven by the learner itself. The researchers explore how this skill updation can take place in an enjoyable manner for the learner, by proposing a theoretical model based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), that is relevant to the online learning space. The model tries to capture the relationship between social presence on online learning platforms and lifelong learning and also brings in the mediating role of cognitive absorption for increasing learner satisfaction and continuance intention. Keywords: Lifelong learning, Technology Acceptance Model, Online learning, Cognitive Absorption, Social Presence

Cite this Research Publication : Anju Varghese Philip, Nimmi, P. M., & Zakkariya, K. A. (2019). Proposing a TAM for Life Long Learning, In Research Perspectives in Human Capital Development. (pp.1-8)

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