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Wireless Time-sensitive Networks for reliable low latency communications in a Smart Hospital

Project Incharge:Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta
Wireless Time-sensitive Networks for reliable low latency communications in a Smart Hospital

The emerging healthcare services like remote robot-assisted surgery, connected ambulance, and real-time alerts from healthcare IoT devices are examples of time-sensitive use cases in Internet of Medical Things. The traditional approach has offered mostly best-effort services that cannot guarantee any timeliness. In this context, Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) is a promising paradigm that provides a standard mechanism for determinism along with reliability. Though initially built for Ethernet (IEEE 802.1), the standard is being extended to wireless starting with Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11). The purpose of this project is to explore and analyze Wireless TSN (WTSN) standards towards deterministic and reliable communication services in Smart Hospitals, serving mixed time-critical cases.

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