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Quantum network recovery from multinode failure using network encoding with GHZ states on higher-order butterfly networks

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Quantum Information Processing

Source : Quantum Information Processing 20 (2021): 1-7

Url :

Campus : Amaravati

School : School of Arts and Sciences

Department : Physics

Year : 2021

Abstract : We propose a protocol to transmit three quantum states crossly in a butterfly network with prior entanglement, in the form of GHZ states, between three senders. The proposed protocol requires only one qubit transmission or two classical bits transmission in each channel of the network. We generalize this protocol to higher number of qubits with multiqubit GHZ states towards quantum network operability using network coding with multiqubit GHZ states on higher-order butterfly networks.

Cite this Research Publication : M. Guha Majumdar and Shayan Srinivasa Garani. "Quantum network recovery from multinode failure using network encoding with GHZ states on higher-order butterfly networks." Quantum Information Processing 20 (2021): 1-7

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