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About the Project

The research will examine the paper based on Experimental-learning-extension paradigm (Farmer-led Extension or Farmer-to-Farmer Extension) and Paulo Friere’s Critical Pedagogy for technological adoption Pedagogy of the Oppressed; which further demonstrates interactive model of Diffusion of Technology.

Examining its characteristics features such as ease of understanding to its readers, coverage of wide variety of agricultural topics, farmer and farming related information such as weather and market price of agricultural commodities, supporting farmers-oriented training programme, open-ended review on technology, farmer to farmer dialogue. The research paper, using Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach will undertake Content analysis/Survey/Focus Group method, the research intends to comprehensively undertake the case study of farm magazine Adike Patrike.

The research also intends to examine the effectiveness of Community Journalism approach of a farm-magazine to disseminate/discuss and communicate effectively the Lab to Land conversion of agricultural knowledge, science and allied technology using native language.

Department and Campus

Department of Mass Communication, School of Arts, Humanities & Commerce, Coimbatore

Skillsets Preferred from Applicants

Strong foundation in research, academic writing skills


Dr. Jayakrishnan N.
Dr. Jayakrishnan N.

Assistant Professor
Mass Communication, Coimbatore

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