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Adamantane-Derived Carbon Nanothreads: High Structural Stability and Mechanical Strength

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : ACS Publication

Source : J. Phys. Chem. C 122, (2018) 7945

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Campus : Mysuru

Department : Chemistry

Year : 2018

Abstract : We study the stability and mechanical properties of adamantane-derived nanothreads (ANTs) and compare them with benzene-derived nanothreads (BNTs) using the density functional theory. The zigzag-catafused ANT has better thermodynamic stability, failure strain, and mechanical strength than BNTs. The presence of a six-member ring with chair conformation and the absence of nonbonded hydrogen interactions enhance the stability of zigzag-catafused ANT with desirable mechanical properties. The structural deformation of nanothreads under tensile strain is also studied to understand their stiffness and stability.

Cite this Research Publication : S. Marutheeswaran, E.D. Jemmis “Adamantane-Derived Carbon Nanothreads: High Structural Stability and Mechanical Strength” J. Phys. Chem. C 122, (2018) 7945

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