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Course Detail

Course Name Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
Course Code 22PHY512
Semester 8
Credits 4


Unit 1

Atomic Physics: Dipole selection rules examples, Natural and Doppler Broadening, Spin-orbit coupling, Lamb shift and Rutherford experiment,

Unit 2

Hyperfine structure: Hyperfine structure of lines, Normal and specific mass shifts, Anomalous Zeeman effect, Paschen-Back and Stark Effects, Quantum defect.

Unit 3

Molecular Physics: Rotational Spectra: Transition probabilities, selection rules. Rotational spectra of diatomic molecule- rigid and non-rigid rotator models. The Franck Condon principle. Dissociation energy. A brief discussion of Intensity alternation and missing lines in rotational spectra

Unit 4

Vibrational spectra: Vibrational spectra of a diatomic molecule – harmonic and anharmonic oscillator models. Normal modes of vibration and their distribution into symmetry species of the molecule, Overtone and Combination Bands, Vibrational Potentials, Infrared and Raman Selection rules. Vibration-Rotation Energy Levels and Spectra: Spectra of rotational vibrational levels, Rotational Raman and IR Spectra of linear molecules and Determination of their Geometry. Rotation-Vibration Band of a Diatomic Molecule and polyatomic molecules. Vibrational structure of electronic transition

Unit 5

Resonance Spectroscopy: ESR and NMR. Lande g factor, Spliting of degenerate states. Precession and spectra, selection rules, fine structure, Resonance spectra of some organic molecules.


  1. B.H. Bransden and C.J. Joachain, Physics of Atoms and Molecules, Pearson 2nd edition, 2003.
  2. H.E. White, Introduction to Atomic Spectra, McGraw-Hill Education, 1963.
  3. H.G. Kuhn, Introduction to Atomic Spectra, Prentice Hall Press; 2nd edition, 1970.

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