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Course Detail

Course Name Cultural Education II
Course Code 21CUL111
Semester 2
Credits 2


Unit 1

1. Relevance of Sri Rama and Sri Krishna in this Scientific Age
2. Lessons from the Epics of India
3. Ramayana & Mahabharata

Unit 2

4. Who is a Wise Man?
5. A Ruler’s Dharma
6. The Story of King Shibi

Unit 3

7. Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita
8. Bhagavad Gita – Action without Desire

Unit 4

9. Role and Position of Women in India
10. The Awakening of Universal Motherhood

Unit 5

11. Patanjali’s Astanga – Yoga System for Personality Refinement
12. Examples of Heroism and Patriotism in Modern India


Common Resource Material II (in-house publication)
Sanatana Dharma – The Eternal Truth (A compilation of Amma’s teachings on Indian Culture)

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