Dr. R Jayakumar, Professor at Amrita Centre for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine, was selected for the MRSI Medal from Material Research Society of India for the year 2017, for his outstanding contribution to the field of Materials Science and Engineering.
Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) is an interdisciplinary professional society designed to stimulate accelerated growth of indigenous research and development of a wide range of materials and their applications. It came into being to express world-wide appreciation of the role of materials science and engineering in the design, development, and performance of nearly every system associated with a wide spectrum of sectors. MRSI Medals are awarded to scientists in recognition of their excellence in a particular field of expertise, within the domain of materials and processes.
Dr. Jayakumar works in the field of Hydrogels and Nanobiomaterials for Tissue Engineering, Drug Delivery, and Wound Healing applications. He has to his credit 210 research and review papers and 9 patents, and has more than 9700 citations with h index of 51. The MRSI Medal will be presented to Dr. Jayakumar at the society’s Annual General Meeting, to be held during February 2017, at IIT Mumbai.