Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : International Journal of ChemTech Research
Source : International Journal of ChemTech Research, Volume 5, Number 2, p.871-879 (2013)
Keywords : Aluminum, article, ecology, economic aspect, energy, energy conservation, energy consumption, environment, environmental factor, furnace, glass fiber, heat, heat tolerance, heat transfer, insulator element, metal, mold (soil), parameters, plantation, process optimization, sand, temperature, thickness
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Center : Computational Engineering and Networking
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Year : 2013
Abstract : This paper discusses a novel method of mixing metallic raw materials (virgin/scrap) with green sand molds in such a way that the scrap is aligned close to the mold cavity and recovers the waste heat and gets preheated when the molten metal is poured into the mold cavity. When this preheated scrap is loaded into the furnace for the consecutive melting, it is found to take 21 % less energy than it would take to melt normal scrap. This principle has been improvised by insulators, resulting in better heat recovery. In the experiments, it is observed that apart from considerable energy savings, this method also enhances recyclability and conservation of molding sand, and reduced mold emissions, adding to the appropriateness of this method to address the current crisis in the fields of energy and environment. This method has been applied for patent.
Cite this Research Publication : J. Selvaraj, Dr. K. I. Ramachandran, and Keshore, D., “Novel approach for energy conservation by raw material preheating in green sand casting”, International Journal of ChemTech Research, vol. 5, pp. 871-879, 2013.