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Area and Delay Optimization of Binary Common Sub-Expression Elimination Constant Multiplier

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology, Engineering Science and Technology

Source : International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology, Engineering Science and Technology, March 2016.

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Year : 2016

Abstract : The main concept of the venture is Reducing the delay and area in VLSI architecture.the efficient VLSI architecture of interpolation filter for multistandard Digital Up Converter (DUC)is implemented by means of two step optimization technique is designed, such that area and delay is reduced. At first, the number of multiplication operation and addition operations are reduced using root-raised-cosine Finite Impulse Response filter for multistandard DUC. By using the constant multiplier number of addition operations are reduced. Shifting operations are performed while considering the constant multiplier. Multipliers are the basic element of any filter like FIR. Hence, a developed 2-bit (BCS) binary common sub-expression based elimination algorithm has been used for designing a constant multipliers. This technique has thrived in reducing the delay, area and power usage and improvement in operating frequency compared to the previously 3-bit BCS-based technique for designing the multi-standard DUC.

Cite this Research Publication : Viju RJ, Bagavathi C “Area and Delay Optimization of Binary Common Sub-Expression Elimination Constant Multiplier”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology, Engineering Science and Technology, March 2016.

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