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Dr. Victor Nizet
Dr. Victor Nizet

International Adjunct Faculty, School of Biotechnology , Amritapuri

Dr. Suresh Subramani
Dr. Suresh Subramani

Global Director, TIGS

Dr. John Jefferson Perry
Dr. John Jefferson Perry

Assistant Professor, City of Hope Medical Center, CA, US

Dr. Kalai Mathee
Dr. Kalai Mathee

Professor, Florida International University

Dr. Taslimarif Saiyed
Dr. Taslimarif Saiyed


Dr. Satheesh Babu
Dr. Satheesh Babu

Professor, Department of Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore

Dr. Perraju Bendapudi
Dr. Perraju Bendapudi

NICU, Amrita Hospitals, Kochi

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