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Design and Development of 6 DOF Bipedal Robot and Its Walking Gaits1

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : International Journal of Robotics and AutomatioN

Source : International Journal of Robotics and Automation. 2021;36(1).

Url :

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2021

Abstract : This work focuses on the design and development of a 6 degrees-of-freedom bipedal robot and its walking gaits. The kinematicstructure of the biped resembles the human lower limbs that aid thelocomotion mechanism for humanoids. Two types of walking gaits,namely normal walking and crouch walking that maintain the centreof mass inside the support polygon in a 2D environment in a sagittalplane, are developed and addressed in this work. Forward kinematics(FK) and inverse kinematics (IK) techniques are used in this workto model the gaits to have a stable motion with static balance thatis necessary for its locomotion. FK is used to obtain a relationshipthat relates the position of hip and swing leg in terms of all jointvariables. Then, the IK is used to obtain the joint variables interms of position and orientation that affect the bipedal locomotionby a given desired position in a sagittal plane. Experimental studiesare carried out to investigate the stability of the developed walkingcontrol algorithm both qualitatively and quantitatively in differentstep sizes and walking gaits in laboratory conditions. Theoreticaland experimental results show the stability of walking gaits duringlocomotion and prove the design to be correct and feasible.

Cite this Research Publication : Ramanathan KC, Ganapathy D, Dhanraj JA, Mohan M. Design and Development of 6 DOF Bipedal Robot and Its Walking Gaits1. International Journal of Robotics and Automation. 2021;36(1).

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