Publication Type : Conference Paper
Thematic Areas : TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security
Publisher : IEEE
Source : 2018 2nd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI). IEEE.
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
Department : TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security
Year : 2018
Abstract : One of the major challenges in a path planner system is finding the shortest path in the least time and cost. In this paper, fuzzy logic based A* algorithm is discussed. A* search is a heuristic method and when it is combined with Fuzzy logic, will yield greater global convergence. The proposed method addresses the path -searching behavior with minimum time and risk. In the fuzzy logic architecture, diagonal front-right distance, turn, goal distance, angle and speed are given as the inputs to the fuzzy inference system. Mamdani systems is used as Inference system for a better simulation the experiment is carried out in MATLAB environment and it is found that Fuzzy A* shows a shorter path in less time than the existing A* method.
Cite this Research Publication : Sangeetha, V., and K. S. Ravichandran. "A Modified Fuzzy A* Based Inference System for Path Planning in an Unknown Environment." 2018 2nd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI). IEEE, 2018.