Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Defence Science Journal
Source : Defence Science Journal
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
Year : 2019
Abstract : In many of the military applications, path planning is one of the crucial decision-making strategies in an unmanned autonomous system. Many intelligent approaches to pathfinding and generation have been derived in the past decade. Energy reduction (cost and time) during pathfinding is a herculean task. Optimal path planning not only means the shortest path but also finding one in the minimised cost and time. In this paper, an intelligent gain based ant colony optimisation and gain based green-ant (GG-Ant) have been proposed with an efficient path and least computation time than the recent state-of-the-art intelligent techniques. Simulation has been done under different conditions and results outperform the existing ant colony optimisation (ACO) and green-ant techniques with respect to the computation time and path length.
Cite this Research Publication : Sangeetha V., Ravichandran, K., Tapas, A., & Shekhar, S. (2019). ‘An Intelligent Gain based Ant Colony Optimisation Method for Path Planning of Unmanned Ground Vehicles’ Defence Science Journal, 69(2), 167-172.