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Design and Implementation of a 3 DOF Arm for Disaster Management

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Publisher : Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies, Springer

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Keywords : Qt-designer, RQT, GUI, Robot operating system (ROS), DOF, Universal robot description format (URDF), Planar workspace

Center : Humanitarian Technology (HuT) Labs

Year : 2020

Abstract : Current trend in technology has, in turn, necessitated the amelioration in automation and the ease of performing a task. Robotic arms are playing a decisive role in all aspects of human life irrespective of the application. Not only designing but also understanding them is strenuous. This paper discusses designing and implementation of a transparent 3-degree of freedom (DOF) arm which can be analyzed and controlled to perform divergent dexterity tasks with simple commands in a plain sailing way. The arm illustrated in this paper is mounted on a mobile robot and analyzed performing varied dexterity tasks with motley complexity. A lucid graphical user interface (GUI) is developed using Qt-designer to generate commands to control this arm. In discordance to heavy industrial or complex robotic arms, it can be shifted between places and can be mounted on any platform depending on the application.

Cite this Research Publication : Megalingam, R.K., Vadivel, S.R.R., Gontu, V., Nagalla, D., Pasumarthi, R.K., Allada, P.K. (2020). Design and Implementation of a 3 DOF Arm for Disaster Management. In: Ranganathan, G., Chen, J., Rocha, Á. (eds) Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 89. Springer, Singapore.

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