Publication Type : Patents
Publisher : 2018.
Source : 2018.
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Year : 2018
Abstract : The present invention discloses a process of preparing a three dimensional objects from the E-waste material. The process comprising collection of various types of e-waste material, segregation of the soldering parts and waste materials from the e-waste material, Isolation of valuable materials by routing machine, conversion of said e-waste material to powder of e-waste material using the grinding process, preparation of specimen mixture by mixing powder of e-waste material with a bonding material; wherein the ratio of powder of e-waste material and said bonding material is 50:50 and fabrications of three dimensional object using compression moulding process. The e-waste material is printed circuitry board (PCB) and three dimensional objects is a washbowl. The bonding material comprises epoxy resin, epoxy hardener, white color pigment and any similar type of materials and the ratio of e-waste material powder and the bonding material is suitable to increase strength and hardness of the washbowl.
Cite this Research Publication : K. G. Thirugnanasambantham, “Wishbowl from E – Waste Materials”, 2018.