Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : FIRE
Source : FIRE (2018)
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Center : Computational Engineering and Networking
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2018
Abstract : This overview paper describes the second shared task on Indian Native Language Identification (INLI) that was organized by FIRE 2018. Given a corpus with comments in English from various Facebook newspapers pages, the objective of the task is to identify the native language among the following six Indian languages: Bengali, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, and Telugu. Altogether, 31 approaches of 14 different teams are evaluated. In this paper, we report the overview of the participant’s systems and the results of second INLI shared task. We have also compared the results of the first INLI shared task conducted with FIRE-2017
Cite this Research Publication : Anand Kumar M., BarathiGaneshH., B., AjayS., G., and Dr. Soman K. P., “Overview of the second shared task on Indian Native Language Identification (INLI)”, in FIRE, 2018.