Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Proceedings of 2nd International Conference On Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing.
Source : Proceedings of 2nd International Conference On Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing (2018)
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2018
Abstract : Book cover International Conference On Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing ICCVBIC 2018: New Trends in Computational Vision and Bio-inspired Computing pp 13–22Cite as A Computer Vision Based Approach for Object Recognition in Smart Buildings D. Kavin Kumar, Latha Parameswaran & Senthil Kumar Thangavel Chapter First Online: 28 September 2020 30 Accesses Abstract Object recognition is one of the essential Computer Vision techniques. The success of object recognition lies in identifying features that strongly represent the object of interest. The manuscript comes up with a hybrid feature descriptor that combines the properties of HOG, ORB and BRISK feature descriptors. Linear SVM is used to classify the feature vectors of the object of interest and other objects in the scene. Occlusion, Orientation and Scaling are some of the limitations in existing approach. From the experimental analysis, we infer that the proposed framework handles partial occlusion and is invariant to scaling and rotation. The framework has been tested with a manually built data library and the classification accuracy of the proposed framework is 0.91, whereas the standalone performance of the HOG, ORB and BRISK are 0.85, 0.87, and 0.89 respectively.
Cite this Research Publication : K. Kumar D, Parameswaran, L., and Thangavel, S. Kumar, “A Computer Vision Based Approach for Object Recognition in Smart Buildings”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference On Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing, 2018.