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Analysis of aluminium metal matrix composite piston for automobile applications

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : AIP Conference Proceedings

Source : Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings, , 2273

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical

Year : 2020

Abstract : Tremendous researches are progressing on Aluminum Matrix composites to get along with extensive use in applications such as automobile, aerospace, marine etc. The present technology demands affordable reinforcement of industrial wastes to produce composite materials. Recent studies have shown that flyash is one of the industrial wastes for reinforcement along with Aluminum alloys which enhances the mechanical properties. The use of flyash in Aluminum Alloys reduces the density and improves the strength of composites. In the current study, the results obtained from the reinforcement of flyash in A356 alloy for various volume percentage are investigated and enhancement in the mechanical properties of automobile application (Piston) is analysed. Variation of structural properties such as deformation and strain variations are obtained. It is observed from the analysis that total deformation, directional deformation and equivalent elastic strain decreases with the addition of flyash to alloy. It is also seen that as the volume percentage of flyash increases, deformation decreases and the least deformation is observed for A356 Al C12(S)

Cite this Research Publication : Kumar, M., Padmanabhan, G., Kottara, A. A., &Shankar, K. V. (2020). Analysis of aluminium metal matrix composite piston for automobile applications. Paper presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings, , 2273 doi:10.1063/5.0024235

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