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Computational Neuroscience of Granule Neurons

Publication Type : Book

Thematic Areas : Biotech, Learning-Technologies, Medical Sciences

Publisher : LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. Germany.

Source : LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. Germany, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-8443-2488-4

ISBN : 978-3-8443-2488-4

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Biotechnology

Center : Amrita Mind Brain Center, Biotechnology, Computational Neuroscience and Neurophysiology

Department : biotechnology

Year : 2011

Abstract : Adult neurogenesis is a sophisticated biological process whose function has remained a mystery to neuroscience researchers. To address this question, a number of unique modeling studies have explored the computational implications of adding new neurons to the adult dentate gyrus. Models of neurogenesis fall into two broad categories: abstract models that explore the function of new neurons in simple networks, and biologically based models that investigate the role of new neurons in networks based on the anatomy of the hippocampus. In this review, we summarize the strategies and results of these different modeling approaches, and we discuss their conclusions and limitations in the face of new biological findings.

Cite this Research Publication : Computational Neuroscience of Granule Neurons, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co.
Germany, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-8443-2488-4.

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