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Biography of Speaker

 Leon Fedotov is a freelance programmer, Tel Aviv

Event/Session Details/Discussions/Highlights

 Leon Fedotov started talking about VR headset project like he builds a contraption which streams to webcams into your eyes through the VR headset and in this way you get a third person experience walking around the environment. Its two webcams they are connected to a piece of wood which later connects to a broomstick and the broomstick is back to the back and some straps hold it to his shoulder He is really interested in complex systems and how things work and manage to avoid the bad things in reality and still survive for example society becomes a disabled thing that he would like to abandon and would able to know to maintain build his own things like clothes which brings me to the knitting machine which has been working own and wanted to show you and that is the thing of the talk of kind of the point of this lecture. 

I saw a knitting machine one day when I was browsing the internet and that is available to download on thingiverse website it’s like a social network of people that have 3d printed designs and they share them. A guy named Steve, he reproduced an old school like 100 from the 1800s stock meeting machine and he published all the plans and all the detailed parts and explanation how to build it and also videos where he shows the machine and explains how it work. A company that did something called open need and they created a company which is first for the to open it is this project that published how to build a needing machine from Arduino with an Arduino and a 3d printer and it’s not descriptive but they basically rebuilt an old meeting machine and published it. In an open source, there is a guy who did it went on and started the company to make meeting machines in china. He explained about an open knit machine that he worked and showed the mechanism of the machine through some videos like wire bending, 3d printing. The mechanism was really complex and kind of interesting to understand and I started by printing a cylinder that has less needles and then went on to once it worked and then to the bigger cylinder and each cylinder takes like 12 hours to print. I used octoprint for printing it and it’s a raspberry pi that’s connected directly to the 3d printer and it manages the print for me and it highly increases my quality of life because also it can open a webcam stream from another room and not necessarily have to be next to the printer where when you breathe you change the atmosphere and the printer is moistening and is in noise isn’t rash regular, so you can’t really concentrate it away but it’s a long process but eventually it gets there in principle things. There is a space of creating companies and creating change in the world like academic people write papers and business people will create companies like the consumers will basically imprint the business people change on the world. Bhavani chechi had a discussion with Leon about the VR headset project, about its working, feasibility and all. One of the participant said that the alternation that Leon is just using the VR headsets, not a VR headset it’s just screens that can show whatever you want in front of your eyes rather than using the virtual world that is displayed inside you can display anything you want.



  • Kripa: I am wondering about the process, that in many cases you need to acquire your own knowledge in areas that are you haven’t been trained on and I was wondering how do you go about that, do you make that a challenge and then spend your whole time on that or is it like more of a longer process where you think or what you need to know. I need to understand how this circuit works and how that works or is it more like a maker kind of trial and error. What’s your experience getting your knowledge on your own?
    • Presentor: I would say mostly my knowledge comes from YouTube and there are a bunch of channels of different people in different industries and there is a YouTube channel applied science and he is always a really cool project to show and talk about. I rarely re paper 
  • Jessica: How do you think that the universities use the virtual reality in education and how would you relate the virtual reality to education and have you sold any of your products to any educational institution
    • Presentor: I am talking from the soreness that people in very remote places aren’t able to see physically, things that are big and stuff like that they can come together educated but you tube. Second, you get a lot of things well enough. I would say a haptic engine, like a glove that creates a virtual environment, is more important to learn skills but it’s not accurate enough to actually learn those skills. You really need to look and imagine yourself doing that. My process is when going to sleep with an idea And that’s how you also learn I think.
  • Debasish Brahma: I saw that you are doing a lot of designs so please tell me, if you are using some 3d software model?
    • Presentor: A software called VCV rack, it’s an open source and its modular synthesizer machine. Another software is openscad.
List of Participants

Attendance /No. of participants: 32
Male:14 Female:18
List of the participants
Kripa Gressel
Leon Fedetov
Abhijit Dhillon
Amrita Sadanand
Ashish Mohan
Balu Menon
Bhavani Rao
Debasish Brahma
Divya Vishnu
Isaac Lukambagire
Meenu Prakash
Nihal Kaur
Reshma Ramesh
Sachith K P
Sidney Strauss
Sophia von Lieres
Srividya Sheshadri
Tzur Sayag
Vivek Subramanian
Ajay Balakrishnan
Yamuna S.B.
Source of Funding: Organized by AL & CWEGE Flyer

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