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Student Projects:

All Final year B.Tech students are supposed to carry out a major project touching any key aspect of Civil Engineering, as a part of their curriculum requirement. Apart from in-house projects, the students have opportunities to accomplish their projects in various prestigious organizations in India and abroad. Our students have been doing their project at below mentioned organizations.

  1. International Universities viz. University of New Mexico, USA, Aukland University, New Zealand, Politechnico De Milano etc.
  2. Indian academic institutions viz. IITs, NITs etc.
  3. Research centers viz. National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC), CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre (SERC) etc.
  4. National agencies viz. Metro Rail Corporation, National Highway Authority of India etc.

As part of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham international programme, students going abroad spend last semester of the course at a reputed International University to pursue their projects. In addition to the project work, they also undergo few course works offered by eminent academicians, which provides a unique dimension to their undergraduate programme.

Membership in Professional Bodies

  1. Indian Concrete Institute (ICI) – Organization life membership – LM 10101
  2. Association of Consulting Civil Engineering (India) – Organization life membership
  3. ICI student chapter
  4. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) student chapter 


Students Achievements

2021 – 22

2019 – 20

2018 – 19

2017 -18

2016 – 17

2015 – 16

2014 – 15

2013 – 14

2012 – 13

2011 – 12

2010 – 11

2009 – 10

Admissions Apply Now