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Design and Implementation of Ultrasonic Navigator for Visually Impaired

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research

Source : Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 24, Issue 10, p.3297 - 3301 (2016)

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Keywords : Arduino uno, CASBliP, GPS, haptic feedback, Ultrasonic waves

Campus : Chennai

School : Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, School of Engineering

Center : Amrita Innovation & Research

Department : Electronics and Communication

Verified : Yes

Year : 2016

Abstract : In this paper, we intend to provide a solution to the problems faced by the visually impaired peoplein navigating from one place to the other. Usually, a visually impaired person has to depend on the sense otherthan visualization such as hearing and touch to guide them. The traditional tool used by them is a walking cane.With this cane, they will be tapping around their surroundings to guide them. The ultimate result obtained bythis process is inefficient because they will be able to detect the obstacles which are very close to them andalso those which are below the chest level. The solution to these problems can be obtained using ultrasonicnavigator. The information about the environment is obtained by using an ultrasonic sensor and the feedbackis given using the servo motors mounted on the glove. The efficacy of the device and how humans respondto the feedback helps them to navigate through the complex environment. Also, our device has a GlobalPositioning System (GPS) system, which helps visually impaired person to reach the correct destination

Cite this Research Publication : V. Perumal Pr Chandragiri, T. M. Sriram, K. B. Yuvaraja, K. G. Shanthi, and A. Manikandan, “Design and Implementation of Ultrasonic Navigator for Visually Impaired”, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 3297 - 3301, 2016.

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