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Course Detail

Course Name Advanced Structural Mechanics
Course Code 18SC601
Program M. Tech. in Structural & Construction Engineering
Credits Coimbatore
Year Taught 2019


Course Syllabus

Review of the concepts: Basic concepts of structural analysis; Basis for principle of virtual work; Principle of virtual forces – standard and matrix formulation; Force method for analyzing skeletal structures; Principle of virtual displacements – standard and matrix formulation; Displacement method for analyzing skeletal structures; Extension of displacement method to the generalized stiffness method; Basic concepts associated with computer implementation of stiffness method.

One-dimensional beam element: Basis for cross-sectional level formulation of flexibility and stiffness; Gauss quadrature numerical integration scheme; Flexibility approach for determining element stiffness; Stiffness approach for determining element stiffness; Special consideration of shear effects in stiffness approach; Consideration of torsional effects for thin-walled member; Special considerations for finite joints (both rigid and flexible); Consideration of local load (incl. temperature) effects; Formulation of geometric stiffness due to axial force; Linearized buckling analysis.

Text Books

  • Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures, William Weaver, Jr. James and M. Gere and Weaver, Third Edition Springer, 1990.
  • Structural Analysis: A Matrix Approach, Pandit, G.S., and Gupta, S. P., Second Edition Tata McGraw – Hill Education, 2008.
  • Matrix Structural Analysis, Mcguire and Gallagher, R .H, John Wiley, 2001.
  • Computational Structural Mechanics, Rajasekaran. S and Sankarasubramanian. G, Prentice Hall of India, NewDelhi, 2009.
  • Structural Analysis Using Classical and Matrix Methods, Nelson K. J and Mc Cormac J C., Third Edition, Wiley, 2002.


‘Advanced Structural Mechanics’ is a course offered in the first semester of M. Tech. program in Structural & Construction Engineering at the School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus.

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