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Course Detail

Course Name Pavement Analysis and Design
Course Code 18SC719
Program M. Tech. in Structural & Construction Engineering
Credits Coimbatore
Year Taught 2019


Course Syllabus

Introduction – Comparison between Flexible & Rigid Pavements -Highway and Airport pavements – Types and Component layers of Pavements – their functions – A brief study on aggregates, bitumen and modified bitumen like cutback, emulsion, polymer modified bitumen – Factors affecting Design and Performance of Pavements – Various Methods of Assessment of Subgrade Soil Strength for Pavement Design – Causes and Effects of variation in Moisture Content and Temperature. Bituminous mix design methods, specifications and testing.Analysis & Design of Flexible Pavement: Stresses and Deflections in Homogeneous Masses – Burmister’s 2-layer, 3- layer Theories – Wheel Load Stresses – ESWL of Multiple Wheels – Repeated Loads and EWLfactors – Sustained Loads and Pavement behaviour under Traffic Loads – Empirical, Semi-empirical and Theoretical Approaches – Development, Principle, Design steps, Advantages and Applications of different Pavement Design Methods Analysis & Design of Rigid pavements: Types of Stresses and Causes, Factors influencing the Stresses; General conditions in Rigid Pavement Analysis, ESWL, Wheel Load Stresses, Warping Stresses, Friction Stresses, Combined Stresses – Types of Joints in Cement Concrete Pavements and their Functions, Joint Spacing, Design of Slab Thickness, Design of Joint Details for Longitudinal Joints, Contraction Joints and Expansion Joints, IRC Method of Design.- Pavement Structure & Its Evaluation: Factors affecting Structural Condition of Flexible and Rigid Pavements; Evaluation by Non-Destructive Tests. Pavement Overlays & Design.

Text Books

  • Pavement Analysis and Design, Huang Yang H., Pearson Education India, 2008.
  • Principles of Pavement Design, Yoder and Witczak, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2011.
  • Design of Functional Pavements, Nai C. Yang, McGraw Hill, 1972.
  • Pavement Management System, Hass and Hudson, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1978.


‘Pavement Analysis and Design’ is an elective course offered in M. Tech. program in Structural & Construction Engineering at the School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus.

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