Course Syllabus
Pervasive Computing Concepts: Perspectives of Pervasive Computing, Challenges, Technology; The Structure and Elements of Pervasive Computing Systems: Infrastructure and Devices, Middleware for Pervasive Computing Systems, Pervasive Computing Environments
Context Collection, User Tracking, and Context Reasoning; Resource Management in Pervasive Computing: Efficient Resource Allocation in Pervasive Environments, Transparent Task Migration, Implementation and Illustrations.
HCI interface in Pervasive Enviornments: HCI Service and Interaction Migration, Context- Driven HCI Service Selection, Scenario Study: Video Calls at a Smart Office, A Web Service– Based HCI Migration Framework .
Pervasive Mobile Transactions: Mobile Transaction Framework, Context-Aware Pervasive Transaction Model, Dynamic Transaction Management, Formal Transaction Verification, Evaluations
Case Studies: iCampus Prototype, IPSpace: An IPv6-Enabled Intelligent Space.