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1,3-Phenyl linked urea-based receptors for anions and the facile cyclization to imidazolidinedione

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Tetrahedron Letters

Source : Tetrahedron Letters, Volume 53, Number 41, p.5523 - 5527 (2012)

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Keywords : Anions, Cyclization, Imidazolidinedione, Receptors, urea

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Arts and Sciences

Department : Chemistry

Year : 2012

Abstract : Amino acid-based molecules containing a bis-urea moiety have been synthesized and demonstrated for their anion binding affinities. Compound 1c binds phosphate and sulfate with binding constants of 3.6×103M−1 and 4.3×103M−1, respectively. These molecules undergo proton transfer upon treatment with fluoride, resulting in the formation of imidazolidinediones. The crystal structure of one such diimidazolidinedione displays self-assembly through nonconventional hydrogen bonding interactions.

Cite this Research Publication : V. Haridas, Sandhya Sadanandan, Hundal, G., and Suresh, C. H., “1,3-Phenyl linked urea-based receptors for anions and the facile cyclization to imidazolidinedione”, Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 53, pp. 5523 - 5527, 2012.

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