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Course Detail

Course Name Process Control and Instrumentation
Course Code 15EEE358
Program B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Credits Bengaluru / Coimbatore / Amritapuri
Year Taught 2015
Year Taught 2016
Year Taught 2017
Year Taught 2018


Unit 1

Introduction to process control, process variables, degree of freedom, Industrial measurement systems – different types of industrial variables and measurement systems elements – sensors and transducers for different industrial variables like pressure, torque, speed, temperature etc. – sensor principles – examples of sensors – sensor scaling – Industrial signal conditioning systems – Amplifiers – Filters – A/D converters for industrial measurements systems – review of general Industrial instruments – I/P and P/I converters, pneumatic and electric actuators, valve positioned, control valves – characteristics of control valves, inherent and installed characteristics, valve body, globe, butterfly, diaphragm, ball valves, control valve sizing, cavitations and flashing, selection criterion, Servo drives, Stepper motor drives.

Unit 2

Process modeling, characteristics of liquid systems, gas systems, thermal systems, mathematical model of first order level, pressure and thermal process – higher order process, interacting non-interacting systems.

Basic control actions, characteristics of ON-OFF, P, I and D control, PI, PD and PID control modes, Response of controllers for different types of test inputs, pneumatic and electronic controllers to realize various control actions, selection of control mode for different processes, optimum controller settings, tuning of controllers – process reaction curve method, continuous cycling method, damped oscillation method, Ziegler Nichols methods.

1/4 decay ratio, feed forward control, ratio control, cascade control, averaging control, multivariable control, hybrid control, expert systems.

Distillation column, control of top and bottom product compositions, reflux ratios, control of chemical reactors, control of heat exchanger, steam boiler, drum level control and combustion control, P&I diagrams.

Unit 3

Model predictive control – Batch Process control – Plant-wide control & monitoring – Plant-wide control design – Instrumentation for process monitoring – Statistical process control – Introduction to Fuzzy Logic in Process Control – Introduction to OPC – Introduction to environmental issues and sustainable development relating to process industries.

Process Automation – Role of digital computer system in process control, Distributed instrumentation and control system – PLC, DCS, SCADA.

Text Books / References

  • Stephanopoulos. G, “Chemical Process Control”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1984.


  • Dale E. Seborg, Thomas F. Edgar, Duncan A. Mellichamp, “Process Dynamics and Control”, Wiley Dreamtech India (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2004
  • Ernest O. Doebelin “Measurement systems application and design”, McGraw Hill International Editions, McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 2004
  • B. Wayne Bequette, “Process control, modeling, Design and simulation”, Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., 2003
  • Steve Mackay, Edwin Wright, John Park, “Practical Data Communications for Instrumentation and Control”, Newness Publications, UK, 2003.

‘Process Control and Instrumentation’ is a course offered in B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering program at School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

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