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Course Detail

Course Name Ecology, Philosophy and Environmental Ethics
Course Code 21PHL534
Program M.A. in Philosophy
Credits 3


Unit I

Ethics and Environmental Ethics:- central questions- on  built environment and non-built environment- concept of value in environmental concepts-  Instrumental value, Non-instrumental value, intrinsic value- subjectivist value, and objectivist value- man and non-human world.

Unit II

Environmental Ethics:-problems and perspectives according to strong Anthropocentrism – weak anthropocentrism, individualist consequentialistism -individualist deontologicalism – biocentrism-denial of superiority of man – concept of Holistic Environmental Ethics.
Scope of Environmental Ethics: – Monism and Pluralism- Respect for Nature-Bio centric Ethics-Outlook and implications- Humans in Earth’s community life-Denial of human superiority.

Unit III

Problems of environment and approaches to the problem: Pollution Population- Resources-Cultural Diversity and Appropriate technology-Education and Scientific Knowledge- Ethics of Global Environment and International inequality

Unit IV

Indian approaches to environment: Gita view of mutual dependence-Upanishadic view of   Cosmic life-Buddhism on environment- Environment according to Ayurveda. Kalidasas Approach to Environment, Unity of Nature in Indian Scriptures.

Unit V

Concepts of Deep Ecology and Shallow Ecology – eight point derivational system –ecological platform- multiple roots of deep ecology -Eco feminism – Environmental Pragmatism- Ecosystem Ecology


“Ecology, Philosophy and Environmental Ethics” is a course offered to S2 MA Philosophy students. It aims to provide an insight to the Environmental theories and its application. The course provides a detailed understanding on various concepts of Environmental Ethics. This course will help the students to get a clear understanding on the application of Philosophical theories.

Course Objectives

1. To create an ecological awareness
2. To understand the requirement of ethics in environmental aspects
3. To analyse the various approaches in Environmental Ethics towards environmental issues
4. To understand the various environmental movements

Course Outcomes

CO1: To get a historical understanding on Environmental Ethics
CO2: To understand the Environmental theories from various Western and Indian philosophers
CO3: To analyse the contextual relevance of Environmental Ethics
CO4: To develop a culture of critical and analytical thinking




  1. Light, Andrew &Rolston, Holmes. Environmental Ethics. UK: Blackwell, 2007. English.
  2. Fox, Warwick. Toward A Transpersonal Ecology Shambhala. USA: Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 1990. English.
  3. R.Des Jardins. Environmental Ethics. UK: Wadsworth, 2004. English.
  4. Singer, Peter. Practical Ethics. USA: Cambridge, 1993. English.
  5. Miller G Tyler. Living in the Environment. USA: Thomson, 2004. English.
  6. Miller G Tyler. Essentials of Ecology. USA: Thomson, 2005. English.
  7. Light & Rolston. Environmental Ethics an Anthology.UK: Blackwell, 2004. English.
  8. Singer, Peter. Applied Ethics. USA: Cambridge University Press, 2001. English.
  9. Hugh La Follette. The Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory. UK: Blackwell, 2007. English.
  10. Singer, Peter ed. Ethics. UK: Oxford University Press, 1994. English.
  11. Andrew I Cohen and Christopher ed. Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics. UK: Wiley Blackwell, 2009. English.
  12. Fox, Warwick. Built environment. London: Routledge, 2012. English.

CO – PO Affinity Map



CO1 1 3 3 2
CO2 2 3 3 1 2
CO3 2 3 3 2 1
CO4 1 3 3 1 1

3- Strong, 2- Moderate, 1- Weak

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