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Course Detail

Course Name Remedial Biology – Practical
Course Code BP112RBP
Program B. Pharm. (Regular/ Lateral)
Semester One
Credits 1
Year Taught 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018


‘Remedial Biology – Practical’ is a course offered in the first semester of B. Pharm program at School of Pharmacy, Health Sciences campus, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

Course Contents

Duration: 30 Hours

  1. Introduction to experiments in biology
    • Study of Microscope
    • Section cutting techniques
    • Mounting and staining
    • Permanent slide preparation
  2. Study of cell and its inclusions
  3. Study of Stem, Root, Leaf, seed, fruit, flower and their modifications
  4. Detailed study of frog by using computer models
  5. Microscopic study and identification of tissues pertinent to Stem, Root, Leaf, seed, fruit and flower
  6. Identification of bones
  7. Determination of blood group
  8. Determination of blood pressure
  9. Determination of tidal volume


Reference Books

  1. Practical human anatomy and physiology. by S.R.Kale and R.R.Kale.
  2. A Manual of pharmaceutical biology practical by S.B.Gokhale, C.K.Kokate and S.P.Shriwastava.
  3. Biology practical manual according to National core curriculum .Biology forum of Karnataka. Prof. M.J.H.Shafi

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