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Course Detail

Course Name Human Anatomy & Physiology – Practical
Program Pharm. D.
Semester One & Two
Year Taugh 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017, 2018


‘Human Anatomy & Physiology – Practical’ is a course offered in the first year of Pharm. D. program at School of Pharmacy, Health Sciences campus, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.


Course Duration: 3 Hrs./Week


General Requirements: Dissection box, Laboratory Napkin, muslin cloth, record, Observation book (100pages), Stationary items, Blood lancet.

Course Materials

Text books

Goyal, R. K, Natvar M.P, and Shah S.A, Practical anatomy, physiology and biochemistry, latest edition, Pub- lisher: B.S Shah Prakashan, Ahmedabad.

Reference books

Ranade VG, Text book of practical physiology, Latest edition, Publisher: PVG, Pune Anderson Experimental Physiology, Latest edition, Publisher: NA

Lecture Wise Program

List of Experiments:

  1. Study of tissues of human body
    1. Epithelial tissue.
    2. Muscular tissue.
  2. Study of tissues of human body
    1. Connective tissue.
    2. Nervous tissue.
  3. Study of appliances used in hematological experiments.
  4. Determination of W.B.C. count of blood.
  5. Determination of R.B.C. count of blood.
  6. Determination of differential count of blood.
  7. Determination of
    1. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate.
    2. Hemoglobin content of Blood.
    3. Bleeding time & Clotting time.
  8. Determination of
    1. Blood Pressure.
    2. Blood group.
  9. Study of various systems with the help of charts, models & specimens
    1. Skeleton system part I-axial skeleton.
    2. Skeleton system part II- appendicular skeleton.
    3. Cardiovascular system.
    4. Respiratory system.
    5. Digestive system.
    6. Urinary system.
    7. Nervous system.
    8. Special senses.
    9. Reproductive system.
  10. Study of different family planning appliances.
  11. To perform pregnancy diagnosis test.
  12. Study of appliances used in experimental physiology.
  13. To record simple muscle curve using gastroenemius sciatic nerve preparation.
  14. To record simple summation curve using gastroenemius sciatic nerve preparation.
  15. To record simple effect of temperature using gastroenemius sciatic nerve preparation.
  16. To record simple effect of load & after load using gastroenemius sciatic nerve preparation.
  17. To record simple fatigue curve using gastroenemius sciatic nerve preparation.

Scheme of Practical Examination

Sessionals Annual
Identification 04 10
Synopsis 04 10
Major Experiment 07 20
Minor Experiment 03 15
Viva 02 15
Max Marks 20 70
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note : Total sessional marks is 30 (20 for practical sessional plus 10 marks for regularity, promptness, viva-voce and record maintenance).

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