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Course Detail

Course Name Computer Organization
Course Code 18CSA113
Program Bachelor of Computer Applications, B. C. A., B. C. A. (Bachelor of Computer Applications)
Semester Two
Credits Four
Year Taught 2018
Degree Undergraduate (UG)
Campus Kochi, Mysuru, Amritapuri


Unit 1

SOP and POS Expressions, Karnaugh Map Simplification – Universal gates, Sequential circuits and combinational circuits, Flip Flops, Registers, Counters, Decoder, Encoder, Multiplexer, De-multiplexer, Arithmetic circuits,

Unit 2

Computer Organization and Design – Instruction Codes- Computer Registers- Computer Instructions – Instruction Cycle – Memory Reference Instructions – Input Output configuration

Unit 3

Central Processing Unit: Introduction- General Register Organization – Stack Organization – Instruction Formats – Addressing Modes – Data Transfer and Manipulation – Conditional Branch Instructions – Program Interrupts

Unit 4

Pipeline and Vector Processing Parallel Processing – Pipelining – Arithmetic Pipeline – Instruction Pipeline – Vector Processing – Array Processors

Unit 5

Memory Organization Memory Hierarchy – Types of Memory – Main Memory – Auxiliary Memory – Associative Memory – Cache Memory Computer Arithmetic – Introduction – Multiplication Algorithm – Booth’s Algorithm.

Text Books

Text Book

  1. M Morris Mano – Computer System Architecture – PHI – Third Edition
  2. Gideon Langholz, Abraha& Joe L Mott – Digital Logic Design – World Scientific Publishing Co Ltd


  1. P Pal Chaudhuri – Computer Organization and Design – PHI – Second Edition
  2. Thomas C Bartee – Digital Computer Fundamentals – Tata Mc Graw Hill – Sixth Edition
  3. Carl V Hamcher – Computer Organization 5th Edition – Mc Graw Hill

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