Introduction to computers: Characteristics of computers, Classification of Digital Computer Systems: Microcomputers, Minicomputers, Mainframes, Supercomputers. Anatomy of Computer: Introduction, Functions & Components of a Computer, Central Processing Unit, Microprocessor, Storage units, Input and output Devices. How CPU and memory works. Program execution with illustrative examples. Introduction to microcontrollers.
Lab Component- PC Assembly,
Operating System Fundamentals
Operating Systems: Introduction, Functions of an operating System, Classification of Operating Systems, System programs, Application programs, Utilities,The Unix Operating System, Basic Unix commands,Microkernel Based Operating System, Booting,
Lab Component- OS installation, Basic unix commands
Introduction to Database Management Systems
Database, DBMS, Why Database -File system vs DBMS, Database applications, Database users, Introduction to SQL, Data types, Classification of SQL-DDL with constraints, DML, DCL, TCL
Lab Component
Create: Table and column level constraints- Primary key, Foreign key, Null/ Not null, Unique, Default. Check, Alter, Drop, Insert, Update, Delete, Truncate, Select: using WHERE, AND, OR, IN , NOT IN
Internet Basics
Introduction, Features of Internet, Internet application, Services of Internet, Logical and physical addresses, Internet Service Providers, Domain Name System.
Lab Component: Web Browsing, Emails, Searching
Web Basics Introduction to web,web browsers, http/https, URL, HTML5,CSS
Lab Component -HTML5 & CSS