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Course Detail

Course Name Chemical Technology Lab
Course Code 15CHE286
Program B. Tech. in Chemical Engineering
Semester Four
Year Taught 2019


  1. Estimation of the percentage of nitrogen in urea by Kjeldahl’s method
  2. Determination of the percentage of available chlorine in the given sample of bleaching powder.
  3. Determination of acid value and iodine value of different oils (any two)
  4. Estimation of saponification value of different oils (any two)
  5. Determination of alkalinity and Total fatty matter by Soap analysis (any two)
  6. Analysis of Flash point of a given oil (any two)
  7. Determination of viscosity by red wood viscometer
  8. Estimation of silica and moisture content in cement analysis.
  9. Determination of sucrose content in the given sample of sugar
  10. Analysis of the percentage of ash and lactose content in the given milk sample

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