The Amrita Clinical Skills Simulation Center dedicates itself to the use of advanced mannequins for learning and teaching of surgical procedures. Mannequins are life-size human-like figures and are already in use as virtual patients at Amrita to impart medical education. These virtual patients allow students to make diagnoses and arrive at therapeutic decisions with the help of interactive computer simulations. Students can also do medical procedures on mannequins before performing on real patients.
Education must attempt to nurture the holistic development of human beings.
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has a major role to play in transforming our society into a knowledge society through its unique value-added education system
This is not just another academy, but a very high quality,world-class institution, focusing on technology research, dealing with very concrete issues which have immediate applications
What makes Amrita students special? Western science leads to knowledge. Eastern sceince leads to understanding. Amrita has both Western and Eastern traditions in education.
Amrita Clinical Skills Simulation Center
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Health Sciences Campus
AIMS Ponekkara P. O., Kochi – 682 041
Kerala, India
0484 400 8750
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