Course Outline
Indian short story, poetry, fiction and drama of the 19th to the late 20th century.
Unit I:
Introduction to Indian English Writing.
Unit II:
Short Fiction [All Non-Detailed].
RuskinBond:”The Thief”.
KhushwantSingh:”The Mark of Vishnu”.
K A Abbas: “The Refugee”.
Unit III:
Drama [Detailed].
RabindranathTagore: “Chitra”.
Unit IV:
Poetry [All Detailed]
ToruDutt: “Our Casuarina Tree”
Sarojini Naidu: “In the Bazaars of Hyderabad”
Kamala Das: “Introduction”
Nissim Ezekiel: “Entertainment”
JayantaMahapatra: “Evening Landscape by the River”
Unit V:
Fiction [All Non-Detailed].
R. K. Narayan: The English Teacher.