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Unit 1

Psychology of Adolescents: Adolescence and its characteristics.

Unit 2

Learning, Memory & Study Skills: Definitions, types, principles of reinforcement, techniques for improving study skills, Mnemonics.

Unit 3

Attention & Perception: Definition, types of attention, perception.

Text Books

  1. S. K. Mangal, ”General Psychology”, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.2007
  2. Baron A. Robert, ”Psychology”, Prentice Hall of India. New Delhi 2001


  • Elizabeth B. Hurlock, Developmental Psychology – A life span approach, 6th edition.
  • Feldman, Understanding Psychology, McGraw Hill, 2000.
  • Clifford Morgan, Richard King, John Scholper, ”Introduction to Psychology”, Tata Mcgraw Hill, Pvt Ltd 2004.

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