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Unit 1

Kavya Tarang; Dhumil ke Anthim Kavitha [Poet-Dhumil]; Dhabba [Poet-Kedarnath Singh]; Proxy [Poet-Venugopal]; Vakth [Poet-Arun Kamal]; Maachis [Poet-Suneeta Jain].

Unit 2

Communicative Hindi – Moukhik Abhivyakthi

Unit 3

Audio-Visual Media in Hindi – Movies like Tare Zameen par, Paa, Black etc., appreciation and evaluation. News reading and presentations in Radio and TV channels in Hindi.

Unit 4

Gadya Manjusha – Budhapa, Kheesa, Sadachar ka Thavis

Unit 5

Translation: Theory and Practice – Letter writing: Formal and Personal – Introduction to Hindi Software.

Text Books

  1. Kavay Tarang: Dr. Niranjan, Jawahar Pusthakalay, Mathura.
  2. Gadya Manjusha: Editor: Govind, Jawahar Pusthakalay, Mathura


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