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Unit 1

Introduction: Unit cell, Bravais lattices, crystal systems, crystal planes and Miller indices, symmetry elements. Defects and imperfections – point defects, line defects, surface defects and volume defects.

Electrical conductivity: Classical free electron theory – assumptions, drift velocity, mobility and conductivity, drawbacks. quantum free electron theory – Fermi energy, Fermi factor, carrier concentration. Band theory of solids – origin of energy bands, effective mass, distinction between metals, insulators and semiconductors.

Unit 2

Theory of semiconductors: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, band structure of semiconductors, carrier concentration in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, electrical conductivity and conduction mechanism in semiconductors, Fermi level in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors and its dependence on temperature and carrier concentration. Carrier generation – recombination, mobility, drift-diffusion current. Hall effect.

Theory of p-n junctions – diode and transistor: p-n junction under thermal equilibrium, forward bias, reverse bias, carrier density, current, electric field, barrier potential. V-I characteristics, junction capacitance and voltage breakdown.

Unit 3

Bipolar junction transistor, p-n-p and n-p-n transistors: principle and modes of operation, current relations. V-I characteristics. Fundamentals of MOSFET, JFET. Heterojunctions – quantum wells.

Semiconducting devices: Optical devices: optical absorption in a semiconductor, e- -hole generation. Solar cells – p-n junction, conversion efficiency, heterojunction solar cells. Photo detectors – photo conductors, photodiode, p-i-n diode. Light emitting diode (LED) – generation of light, internal and external quantum efficiency.

Modern semiconducting devices: CCD – introduction to nano devices, fundamentals of tunneling devices, design considerations, physics of tunneling devices.

Text Books

  1. C Kittel, “Introduction to Solid State Physics”, Wiley, 7th Edn., 1995.
  2. D A Neamen, “Semiconductor Physics and Devices”, TMH, 3rd Edn., 2007.


  • S M Sze, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices”, Wiley, 1996.
  • P Bhattacharya, “Semiconductor Opto- Electronic Devices”, Prentice Hall, 1996.
  • M K Achuthan & K N Bhat, “Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices”, TMH, 2007.
  • J Allison, “Electronic Engineering Materials and Devices”, TMH, 1990.

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