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Unit 1

Medicinal Chemistry: Introduction, drugs – classification of drugs – mechanism of drug action. Drug-receptor complex nomenclature – agonist, antagonist.

Physicochemical properties in relation to biological action: solubility, partition coefficient, dissociation constant, hydrogen bonding, ionization, drug shape, surface activity, complexation, protein binding, molar refractivity, bioisosterism – Stereo chemical aspects of drug action-stereo isomerism-optical isomerism.

Unit 2

Enzymes and hormones: Enzymes – nomenclature, classification and characteristics of enzymes – mechanism of enzyme action, factors affecting enzyme action, cofactors and co-enzymes, enzyme inhibition, enzymes in organic synthesis. Hormones and vitamins – representative cases.

Medicinal agents from natural products: Natural products as therapeutic agents, medicinal plants, animal products as medicine, isolation methods of alkaloids, terpenes, anti-oxidants.

Unit 3

Medicinal agents: Medicinal agents belonging to steroids, polypeptides, modified nucleic acid bases, sulphonamide and sulpha drugs, antibiotics, antifungal, antiseptics and disinfectants, anaesthetics, antihypertensive drugs, analgesics, histamine and anti-histamine agents.

Text Books

  1. Rama Rao Nadendla, “Principles of Organic Medicinal Chemistry”, 1st edition, New age internationals (P) limited, (2005).
  2. Thomas Nogrady and Donald F. Weaver, “Medicinal chemistry: A Molecular and Biochemical Approach”, 3rd edition, Oxford university press, (2005).


  • Wilson C O, Gisvold O and Deorge R F, “Text book of organic, medicinal and Pharmaceutical chemistry”, 7th edition, J.B.Lippincott company, Philadelphia, (1977).
  • Burger A, “Medicinal Chemistry”, 3rd edition, Wiley Interscience, Newyork, (1970).
  • Graham L P, “An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry”, 3rd edition, Oxford university Press, (2005).

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