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Course Detail

Course Name Food Microbiology
Program M. Sc. in Microbiology
Semester Three
Credits Two
Year Taught 2019


History and development of Food microbiology: History of Microorganisms in Food-developments: Common Food borne Bacteria,Molds Role, and Significance of Microorganisms in Foods.Parameters Affecting Microbial Growth: Intrinsic, Extrinsic.Combined Intrinsic and Extrinsic Parameters-lactic antagonism and hurdle concept.

Microorganisms in Foods and methods for detection: Fresh meat,Processed meat and poultry, Culture, Microscopic, and Sampling Method for detecting microbes, Physical, Chemical methods,Whole animal assays, Immunological methods.

Food Preservation & Principles of Quality Control: Chemicals antibiotics,Radiation,Low and high temperature, High-Pressure Processing Pulsed Electric Fields .Aseptic Packaging ,Manothermosonication, Microbiological quality standards of food, FDA, HACCP, ISI.

Microbial Food Spoilage and Food borne diseases: Staphylococcal, Ecoli, Salmonellosis, shigellosis, Listerial infections. Mycotoxins, Aflatoxins Alternaria Toxins, Toxigenic Phytoplanktons and viruses.

Applications of Food Microbiology: Beneficial Uses of Microorganisms in Food Intestinal Beneficial Bacteria-Concept of Prebiotics and Probiotics, Genetically modified foods.  Biosensors in food

Text Books


  • Food Microbiology. 2nd Edition By Adams
  • Modern Microbiology, James M.Jay
  • Fundamental Food Microbiology ,Bibek Ray

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