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Course Detail

Course Name Industrial Biotechnology Lab
Program M. Sc. in Biotechnology, M. Sc. in Microbiology
Semester Two
Credits Two
Year Taught 2019


Isolation and screening of microorganism producing amylases from soil .Environmental isolation of protease producing microorganisms. Isolation of phosphate solubilizing bacteria, Isolation of free living nitrogen fixers from soil (Azotobacter spp.).Isolation of Rhizobium spp from root nodulesIsolation of antibiotic producing Actinomycetes  from soil, Determination of alcohol production by immobilized yeast cells, Sulphite oxidation method, Determination of mixing time and reynolds number in fermentation,Ionotrophic gelation of E.coli using calcium alginate beads

Text Books


  • Daniel Lim, Microbiology, 2nd Edition; McGraw-Hill Publication
  • Madigan M.T., Martinko J.M. (2006). Brock’s Biology of Microorganisms. 11th Edition.
  • Ingraham J. L. and Ingraham C.A. (2004). Introduction to Microbiology. 3nd Edition.

Thomson Brooks / Cole.

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