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Course Detail

Course Name Electric Vehicle Technology
Course Code 18PR714
Program M. Tech. in Power & Energy Engineering(Smart Grids & Electric Vehicles)
Year Taught 2018


Course Syllabus

Review of Conventional Vehicle: Introduction to Hybrid Electric.

Vehicles: Types of EVs, Hybrid Electric Drive-train, Tractive effort in normal driving, Energy consumption Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains, Architecture of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains, Series Hybrid Electric Drive Trains, Parallel hybrid electric drive trains, Electric Propulsion unit, Configuration and control of DC Motor drives, Induction Motor drives, Permanent Magnet Motor drives, switched reluctance motor, Introduction to Energy Storage.

Requirements in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles: Battery based energy storage and its analysis, Fuel Cell based energy storage and its analysis, Hybridization of different energy storage devices. Sizing the drive system, Design of Hybrid Electric Vehicle and Plug-in Electric Vehicle, Energy Management Strategies, Automotive networking and communication, EV and EV charging standards, V2G, G2V, V2B, V2H.

Business: E-mobility business, electrification challenges, Business- E-mobility business, electrification challenges, Connected Mobility and Autonomous Mobility- case study E-mobility Indian Roadmap Perspective.

Policy: EVs in infrastructure system, integration of EVs in smart grid, social dimensions of EVs.

Simulations and case studies in above mentioned areas.

Text Books / References

  • Emadi, A. (Ed.), Miller, J., Ehsani, M., “Vehicular Electric Power Systems” Boca Raton, CRC Press, 2003.
  • Husain, I. “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles” Boca Raton, CRC Press, 2010.
  • Larminie, James, and John Lowry, “Electric Vehicle Technology Explained” John Wiley and Sons, 2012.
  • Tariq Muneer and Irene Illescas García, “The automobile, In Electric Vehicles: Prospects and Challenges”, Elsevier, 2017.
  • Sheldon S. Williamson, “Energy Management Strategies for Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles”, Springer, 2013.


‘Electric Vehicle Technology’ is a course offered in the M. Tech. in Power & Energy Engineering program at School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus.

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