Course Syllabus
Review of power quality issues, definitions and standards, causes and effects of power quality issues, measurements.
Harmonic studies: Fourier analysis, FFT Analysis, HVDC systems and harmonics in HVDC Systems.
Improvement techniques: Conventional compensators
Passive (RLC) compensators: shunt/series, Active (synchronous condensers).
FACTS compensators: Shunt compensators: Passive/ variable z type Active/switched converter type.
Series compensators: Passive/ variable z type. Active/switched converter type. Hybrid compensators.
Harmonic Filters: Passive filters, tuned filters, design problems, Active filters-shunt, series, hybrid. Applications and Design problems. Estimation of rate/cost reduction due to hybrid filters.
Active filter control schemes/algorithms: Time-domain and Frequency-domain algorithms, AI based control algorithms, analog/digital implementation. Case studies. Review of improved power quality converters and applications.
Custom power parks concept: Custom power devices and applications.
Lab Experiments: Simulation and Hardware experiments in Conventional/FACTS/Harmonic compensators.