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Testing of a Water Hydration-Dehydration Unit

Start Date: Sunday, Jul 01,2018

End Date: Friday, Aug 31,2018

School: School of Engineering

Thematic Area: Water & Sanitation

Testing of a Water Hydration-Dehydration Unit

Amrita is conducting humanitarian oriented research to provide cost-efficient water filtration solutions to the villages in India. One of these projects is a water desalination unit. It filtrates impurities by replicating the natural cycle, where air and natural heat are used for vapourising, dehumidifying, and finally collecting water.  Continuing the work carried out previously, students manufactured the unit and started testing it., They also went to the field in flood-affected areas of Kerala in August 2018 to understand the actual needs of the people.

This project was conducted in partnership with the NGOs Yuva India and Ingenieur.e.s du Monde, who facilitated the mobility to India of students from EPFL (Switzerland).

Visit following NGOs:

NGO Yuva India(link is external)
NGO Ingenieur.e.s du Monde(link is external)

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