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Micronet – Mobile Infrastructure for Coastal Region Offshore Communications & Networks

Start Date: Wednesday, Jan 01,2014

End Date: Sunday, Dec 31,2017

Project Incharge:Dr. Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh
Co-Project Incharge:Dr. B. S. Manoj, Dr. Elizabeth Sherly, Prof. Sethuraman N. Rao
Funded by:Information Technology Research Academy (ITRA), Department of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India
Micronet – Mobile Infrastructure for Coastal Region Offshore Communications & Networks

MICRONet evaluates the technological options to provide an effective and reliable way for the fishermen to communicate amongst themselves and with the shore during emergencies and other timesusing text/email  messages and/or voice calls.

Project goals
  • Development of an affordable system to provide a Mobile Infrastructure for Coastal Regions of India to enable OffshoreCommunications and to solve the technology challenges faced by the fishermen community in India today, specifically by providing extendable and adaptable communication and connectivity while they are out at sea.

Research Area:


  • Design and development of Coplanarantenna – gain enhancement& range measurement
  • Adaptive beam forming using Smart Antenna for fishing vessels
  • Real time re-orientation of Mobile Directional Antennas in a Marine Communication Network
  • Analysis of Bidirectional Communication between Shore and Sea – A Simulation Framewor

  Data link

  • Adaptive, Demand-driven and Energy-efficient 1st Level Point to Multipoint (P2MP) Backhaul Network Setup (Long-range WiFi)
  • Mobility based dynamic channel re-allocation for efficiency and performance improvement in wireless networks


  • Design and Development of OpenFlow FisherMesh Network
  • Delay Tolerant Network Management for Inter/Intra Boat Communication
  • Adaptive Routing Through Topology Preserving Map

 Applications & Services

  • An Early Warning System for Collision Avoidance ofVessels at Sea
  • Location based Hierarchical data Classification for information dissemination in marine sector
  • Data mining techniques for data dissemination and Localization of missing fishing vessels in the deep sea
  • Localization and Tracking of Multiple Mobile Boats
  • Design of mobility model for fishing vessels in the Arabian Sea

Cross layer

  • Multi-dimensional Optimization of the Backhaul Network for Offshore Communication with Boats
  • Distributed Intelligence Based Self organization and Resource Planning for Offshore Communication

Project Collaborators (from other institutes / companies) –


Meeting and Workshops Conducted


Management Committee Members:Other members:
Dr. Seshaiah Ponnekanti, NEC, UKDr. Prasant Mohapatra, UC Davis, USADr. Sajal Das, UT Arlington, USADr. Dilip Krishnaswamy, IBM Research, IndiaDr. G. Venkatesh, IIT Madras and Sasken Communication  Technologies Ltd                                 Dr. Anura P. Jayasumana, Colorado State UniversityMs.Sujatha Narayanan (Extreme Networks)Prof. Chandramouli, Stevens Institute of TechnologyDr. P Muralikrishna. Scientist NPOL Mr. Akshya Mishra , Enterpreneur ;DSP networksProf. Eric Brewer, Berkeley and GoogleMr. Sethuraman N. RaoMr. Balaji HariharanDr. Sreedevi K. MenonMr. Nandesh NairMr.  Dhanesh RajMrs. Simi SurendranMs. Bhuvana Nair SMr. Vickram ParthasarathyMs.Remya GeorgeMs. Preeja PradeepMr. Vineeth

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